
Future of R&D

Hi Everyone,

eyeforpharma is putting together what looks like to become an interesting conference. I will be participating in a panel discussion as well. Check it out.


May 8th – 9th top payers: HAS, IQWIG, EUnetHTA, NICE and SanteSuisse are meeting big pharma at the Clinical Commercial Conference in Zurich .

The Super Early Bird discounted rate ends this week! To speak with big pharma and the payers that matter -  Book now and save €400

Join us and learn:

  • Build commercial endpoints into clinical trials – BMS and the best of big pharma share how payer insight has provided robust development plans.
  • Enhance your solutions for unmet need with Real World Data. Google and the ABPI will present solutions.
  • Comparative Effectiveness Research – hear what payers can do to help you prove value and align to un-met need.
Theo Fellgett
VP Europe – eyeforpharma
+44(0) 207 375 7591

eyeforpharma is part of FC Business Intelligence Ltd.
FC Business Intelligence Ltd is a registered company in England and Wales - Registered number 04388971, 7-9 Fashion Street, London, E1 6PX, UK

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