
Pharma 3.0

Dear All,

after a heavy week of traveling I had the chance to check out the new Pharma 3.0 report from Ernst & Young. It is a very interesting report. Refreshing to see that E&Y have put together what the future should bring - focus on patients and outcomes. Increased technology and IT capabilities as well as data mining from broad sources are being discussed. This indeed is a cornerstone of moving the industry forward. In that area we are still a somewhat old fashioned industry that needs to learn from technology companies in order to move the IT and data collection capabilities to the next level. That requires however not only technical know how but foremost the right mindset and culture... mant times colleagues and friends in the industry complain that they hardly can install the weather application on their blackberry without having gone through a large approval procedure. That way of course pharma 3.0 will not work... ;)
What is great about this report is that it really tackles what I consider the main problem, the lack of being easily able to collect real life data to demonstrate the outcomes in the "garden variety" patient and over time. New technologies should enable us to track, analyze and send data in real time via apps etc and alter individual treatment decisions based on the learnings. If that is coupled with patient self diagnosis on certain parameters or biomarkers that will provide a true patient perspective that we have never experienced before.


European Cost-Containment Measures and Effects on Healthcare

Dear Readers,

I have recently been interviewed by Jeff Waite from Stelerix on European cost containment. I would like to share the link to our discussion.



A new Value Based Pricing research paper from York

Dear Readers,

a colleague of mine just pointed out a new paper on value based pricing from the University of York. The NHS consultation period is ongoing and am sure we will see a lot more papers and discussion on the topic. Stay tuned!