
Win win with stakeholders...

I am just reading one of the local pharmaceutical newspapers and stumbled over an article from a Director at Madrid's Institute de Empresa.
She was talking in an interview about the new organizational models and market access, stakeholders and how different everything would be if we we would know our customers and institutions and learn how to work with them etc. I couldn't help thinking that she has no idea. As if country managers and government affairs people within the pharma industry wouldn't know their institutions, their customers, their hospital administrators etc. Of course they do, it is outright funny to see how many people now come up with courses, analysis, consulting projects etc..... repacking the obvious under the catchword of market access concepts...
Instead it is actually rather simple in my mind, of course the industry needs to adapt organizational models but is it not so that we need to speak much more about advancing the science, developing outstanding products? What if we had another Aspirin, Glivec, Statins, even Viagra, if we would achieve many years of survival gain in the common cancers... would we really have to do that much market access and stakeholder win win talk?? I doubt it very much. So instead of blowing hot air it is time to focus on the science, focus on measuring and demonstrating value - that little business school course could than remain rather empty..

An interesting article regarding R&D productivity:

1 comment:

riz lee said...

such a nice article, having valued information.. regards