
100 Best Blogs for economics students

Dear Readers,

I received the below article from the administrator of the site and thought that would be interesting to all - especially the students among of you.

"As an economics student, you have access to a great wealth of information online. One of the best places to find information online is in blogs, such as economics blogs written by educators, experts, and self-proclaimed know it alls. Here, you’ll find the 100 best blogs for economics students to read."


1 comment:

fumu said...

The demand for cigarettes is p = 100 – x (p..price of cigarettes, x…quantity of ciga-rettes). The marginal private costs MPC of producing cigarettes are MPC = 20. But smoking includes a negative externality which depends on the amount of smoking. The marginal external costs MEC of smoking are MEC = 5. Which of the following answers is correct? Tick the right answer!
1. Without calculating the marginal external costs of smoking the amount of smoking will be 60
2. By introducing a tax to correct for the marginal external costs of smoking the state gets revenues of 375 in the corrected market equilibrium
3. None of the answers above is correct
4. The marginal social costs of smoking are 30
5. The optimal amount of smoking, when the external costs of smoking are calculated, is 55
6. no answer

ou are a health planner and have to decide about the distribution of rescue services between two regions. The political presetting is to follow a Utilitarian approach, which in our context means to maximize the number of survivors. The overall capacity of the rescue equipment to distribute is q = 100. The number of survivors s in the two regions follow the functions: Region A: s = 100q; Region B: s = 150q0,5. Which of the following answers is correct? Tick the right answer!
1. All the rescue equipment should go to Region B
2. None of the answers above is correct
3. 30 % of the rescue equipment should go to A, and 70 to B
4. The rescue equipment should be distributed equally between the regions
5. The marginal effect of an additional rescue equipment in the two regions is the same
6. no answer

From the following statements only one is correct. Tick the right answer!
1. The Gini coefficient measures the relationship between the health status and individual income
2. The Lorenz curve is a special concentration curve
3. If the Gini coefficient is 0,5 income is distributed totally equally
4. If the Gini coefficient of the income distribution of country A is lower compared to country B, the comparison of the two Lorenz-curves leads to a unambiguous results (it means: it is Lorenz-dominant)
5. None of the answers above is correct
6. no answer

An Individual is confronted with the following perspective. The probability of a disease is 0,1. The economic loss from the disease is 300. The wealth of the individual is 400. The utility function of the individual is U = Y0,8 (Y…wealth). We abstract from moral hazard and other problems in the health insurance market. Which of the following answers is correct? Tick the right answer!
1. If the individual buys full insurance at fair premiums his value of wealth will always be 360
2. None of the answers above is correct
3. The fair premium of health insurance will be 40
4. If the premium is above 70 the individual will not buy insurance
5. The expected value of wealth without insurance is 350
6. no answer

Quotation from a health economic text book: “Economic considerations can be re-lated to different input/output-levels of a health care system. Different performance figures can be derived from such a perspective”. Give a few examples for such per-formance figures!