
New book: Best practices in biotechnology business development

Yali Friedman's new book on biotechnology business development is coming out soon. We have contributed a chapter on applied pharmacoeconomics for biotech CEOs/executives. Watch this space for the chapter posting when the book is in the stores. See below the book description from Yali's blog.

First Edition, March 2008, Perfect Bound, 186 pages, US$67.95, ISBN: 978-09734676-0-4
Best Practices in Biotechnology Business Development

Valuation, Licensing, Cash Flow, Pharmacoeconomics, Market Selection, Communication, and Intellectual Property

Seeking to meet the need to understand how to practice the business of biotechnology, these best practices provide a framework upon which to understand critical issues in biotechnology business development. Experts from a wide range of disciplines have composed best practices based on their experiences and expertise, creating a vital toolbox covering a broad spectrum of topics. These best practices will enable you develop a better understanding of the key elements in these operations and empower you to better manage their implementation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This book provides great ideas of business development....I like it...!