
Webinar: How To Maximize Your Reimbursement Value Through Pharmacoeconomic And Outcomes Research

-D-C Reports, Windhover Information and Boston Healthcare Associates proudly present:
Adapting to the Changing Dossier Environment: Creating Pharmacoeconomic and Health Outcomes Data That Will Impact Coverage and Formulary Decisions

WEBINAR: Thursday, June 26, 2008
12:00 pm ET / 9 am PT / 90 minutes
Gina Ford, Executive Director Boston Healthcare
Phil Cyr, Director Boston Healthcare
For more speaker information
Now through June 19
- Webinar: $299
- Live webinar plus complete audio recording: $399
- Audio recording only: $399
A recent survey of health plan pharmacy directors indicated that they felt that more than half of the economic models submitted as part of the AMCP were inadequate. In addition, WellPoint's Outcomes-based FormularySM Guidelines, which were heavily influenced by international health technology assessment organizations such as NICE and the Australian Technology Assessment Agencies, have drastically increased health economic and outcomes evidentiary requirements for new drug submissions.
Recently, US health care payers have increased their efforts to incorporate pharmacoeconomic and health outcomes data into their coverage and formulary decisions. Changes in the AMCP dossier now require budget-impact,
quality-of-life, and cost-of-illness information for your new products. Furthermore, you now have to emphasize the need for greater transparency of health economic and outcomes data submitted, especially cost-effectiveness models.
But what are the health economics and outcomes research changes to the AMCP dossier? And do you know all the key evidentiary requirements of WellPoint's Outcomes-based FormularySM Guidelines? Find out exactly what you need to know about these changes BEFORE it's time to submit your next drug for approval.
So join us, in the convenience of your own office, for a thought-provoking analysis. Grab your team (or several teams), a conference room at your office, a phone and a computer with Web access (that last one's optional). No travel required.
Walk away with valuable answers to the following questions:
- How do you conduct the right pharmacoeconomic and health outcomes analyses for your new products?
- What are the evidentiary requirements of the AMCP and WellPoint Dossiers related to health economics and outcomes research?
- What are some "real-world" examples of the impact pharmacoeconomic information will have on payers' decisions?
- How are U.S. pharmacy and medical directors use pharmacoeconomic and outcomes research in their
decision-making process?
- How do you maximize your reimbursement value through pharmacoeconomic and outcomes research?
- How are U.S. payers will use pharmacoeconomic and outcomes research in the coming years?
- Which pharmacoeconomic studies are most commonly used for payer coverage and formulary decisions, and what you should know about them?
- How are private health plans are using pharmacoeconomic information?
- What role will pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research will play in the public payer sector?
... and much more!
More webinar information
For more information on Windhover products and conferences, visit us at or send an email to
Windhover Information
10 Hoyt St., Norwalk, CT 06851
* Tel: +1 (203) 838-4401 x 113
* Fax: +1 (203) 838-3214

Job prospects for health economists

Over the last couple of weeks I have received quite a few of inquiries about the job prospects in health economics, the type of training required and of course also about the earnings potential both from US and European young professionals / students who came across my blog and therefore I thought that warrants a separate post on the blog. Needless to say that I am very delighted that the readership is growing rapidly and that people find the information useful - especially professionals becoming interested in this field. Indeed the area is expanding rapidly due to health policy developments across the globe. I found an interesting career information sheet from Australia but I think the comments made on job prospects etc. are valid for any geography, which I would like to share with the readers. In terms of questions related to earnings potential, last year I cited a very good and detailed article on US health economists salaries (search the blog and put “earnings”). What is missing is the same concise information on EU salary ranges per country. I wonder if there is a way to get some information – maybe some of the recruiters reading my blog would like to share some thoughts - on bands per level in order to guide young professionals on the compensation front in their career choice and potential moves. I know ISPOR is very active on the students chapter but perhaps here also some more career info could be provided going forward. In any case, I am happy to continue to answer questions or chat about the field in general as time allows… best Ulf


Spain - Andalusian health agency creates comission to assess new therapies

Andalusia has always been a tough region in Spain for drugs to get on the hospital formulary. The newly created comission will evaluate new therapeutics regarding their listing on the regional hospitals formularies. Pharmacoeconomics and cost-benefit of altervative medicines will thereby play an increasing role.

For thoose of you who speak Spanish .. the article from El Global below:

El Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS) ha creado una comisión, denominada Comisión Asesora Central para Armonizar los Criterios de Utilización de Medicamentos en los Hospitales, que se encargará de controlar y autorizar la presencia en las guías farmacoterapéuticas de los hospitales andaluces de aquellos medicamentos registrados en los últimos cinco años.Mediante una resolución, de 21 de febrero de 2008, el Servicio Andaluz de Salud crea esta comisión que asesorará a la Secretaría General del organismo para proceder a la centralización de las decisiones de disponibilidad de determinados fármacos en los hospitales del sistema sanitario andaluz. La primera de las situaciones en las que actuaría esta comisión sería en aquellos casos en los que la Comisión Multidisciplinar de Uso Racional de Medicamentos (Cmrum) entienda que hay otras alternativas terapéuticas con mejor relación coste-beneficio. Otras, sería en caso de fármacos para los cuales la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios autorice nuevas indicaciones y la Cmurm entienda que hay alternativas con un mejor perfil farmacoeconómico. El tercero de los supuestos incluiría la utilización de medicamentos con menos de cinco años desde su registro para los que se solicite su uso fuera de indicación.Esta nueva regulación afectará, por tanto, a todos los medicamentos que lleven registrados menos de cincos años y para aquéllos que logren una nueva indicación. El control del cumplimiento de esta resolución se llevará a cabo, por una parte desde los hospitales, ya que se indica que "los servicios de farmacia se abstendrán de dispensar aquellos medicamentos afectados" por la resolución y, por otro, por parte de los inspectores médicos, a los que se advierte de la imposibilidad de visar recetas de medicamentos que no cumplan con la nueva resolución.El SAS no valorará el texto hasta que se haya constituido la Comisión Asesora Central, algo que según las previsiones podría ocurrir dentro de un mes aproximadamente. Sí se saben ya los nombres que la compondrán: Alicia Aguilar, subdirectora de Prestaciones del SAS, lo presidirá. Junto a ella habrá 10 vocales (cuatro farmacéuticos de hospital, cuatro médicos y un representante de los Centros regionales de Farmacovigilancia y de Información del Medicamento) y la jefa de Servicio de Suministros Farmacéuticos del SAS como secretaria.